The beginning of blogging…

So, my first blog post begins and for starts I want to introduce myself, I am a Crohn’s disease sufferer of about 2 and a bit years and I thought this would be a good place to start sharing and raising awareness of what this Crohn’s malarkey is all about. Crohn’s most definitely changes lives, like it did mine and with no known cause and a hell of a lot of side effects that lets be honest aren’t fabulous, how can it not change lives? I was first diagnosed when my mum was receiving treatment for breast cancer and my great uncle was unwell, this unwell also turned into cancer. You could say it was a stressful year or so but we got through it. My great auntie was always, and still is, positive which helped in a lot of way, it gave me a brightened perspective and how there are different ways of looking at situations and the way I was to look at mine was that my mum will be cured, I will get better and my great uncle will be also be cured. My great uncle died a year to the day of my colonoscopy. Heartbreaking isn’t even close to how it felt losing him but yet my great auntie still stayed strong which in a way helped us through the tragic time. Following on from my colonoscopy and after spending the entire summer holidays in my house, off work, not seeing my friends, I gradually started my first year at sixth form. With no one in my friendship group not really knowing the full extent as to how unwell I had become over that summer, my obvious weight loss i guess made them understand I wasn’t overreacting and that it was in fact serious. I caught up on weeks of missed coursework, after which was the first time I had felt a sense of achievement within myself, the fact I had been through the worst summer of my life so far and yet I pushed myself to achieve. I feel as though it felt like such an accomplishment due to the fact I’d felt like a waste of space and pretty, well, worthless during the entire summer and I guess in a way i’d proved to myself I am capable of achieving the same as others. This is something I and presumably many others with Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis face, a serious lack of confidence and self worth. Ultimately, I finished and passed my A levels with a solid A*, B, C which I was majorly pleased about given the circumstances. This meant I got into my chosen university, Coventry University to study Photography. From this, I basically want to use this blog to feed photographs of the happenings in my life and Crohn’s stories through photographic bodies of work. And I swear they’ll be more happy and cheerful posts!!!!

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